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Dringend Treiber für robbe Telemetry Box

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  • #16
    Hi all!
    Sorry for English ...
    I have got the same problem with Unilog2, the SBS-01T (sensors 4 - 7, see manual v1.11 page 29) are not detected with the Telemetry Box. Is there any solution to this? Was SM Modelbau contacted according to this?
    Thank you


    • #17
      Niemand weiß, niemand helfen?


      • #18
        I read manual to last version of Unilog 2 firmware - v1.12. When the sensor number 5-7 is set to SPEED with SM Unilog Toll, it should be detected as Robbe senzor SPEED-F1677. Could anyone give me the information whether the Robbe Telemetry Box is compatible with this senzor? I searched the internet, but I did not find any usefull information. I have got only one Picture of this senzor.
        Thank you


        • #19
          Siehe hier

          lg Rudi
          Nicht klicken "FSK18"
          Einmal FUTABA immer FUTABA !!
          E-Mail: rudi1025[at]


          • #20
            Thanks Rudi,
            I read the Anleitung T-Box and the Anleitung Update V1.003 T-Box, in the second one are new supported sensors described, the F1677 is not listed. In the first one is only list of recommended accesories. Does exist oficial list of supported sensors? Or this is the only oficial list that is available?



            • #21
              Hi Mirek,

              Es sind alle Senoren in den Anleitungen beschrieben mehr kann die Box nicht und es gibt auch keine Updates mehr.

              Lg Rudi
              Angehängte Dateien
              Nicht klicken "FSK18"
              Einmal FUTABA immer FUTABA !!
              E-Mail: rudi1025[at]


              • #22
                Thank you Rudi,
                it is taken from those two files, it is clear now.

                I wrote a message to SM Modelbau and I am awaiting the answer.
                Message copy:

                Dear sir or madame!
                I have the Unilog 2. It works superb and logs everything as expected. I do
                have a problem with the showing values of A1 to A3 sensors attached. The
                Robbe/Futaba Telemetry Box can not detect sensors SBS-01T that are used
                for A1 to A3 as virtual sensors. It seems the Telemetry Box do not support
                the SBS-01T temperature sensor, while the TEMP125 - F1713 is supported. Is
                it possible to use this sensor TEMP125 - F1713 instead of SBT-01T for all
                A1 to A3 sensors? I found that GPS Logger 2 uses TEMP125 - F1713 as
                virtual sensor no.3.

                Could you, please, help me with this? I need to see temperatures of the
                combustion engines I am testing in realtime on Robbe Telemetry Box during
                the flight.

                Thank you very much.
                Best Regards
                Miroslav Balik
                Czech republic


                • #23
                  The first answer:
                  They choose SBS-01T because it supports range up to 3000 while F1733 should be restricted to 999 only.

                  I wrote second email and awaiting answer:
                  Dear Mr. XXX,
                  thank you so much for your very fast response. Please correct me if I am wrong in my observations of last Unilog 2 version v1.12. The A1 to A3 input can be set to one of seven modes in Unilog Tool as:

                  - Temperatur
                  - Milivolt
                  - Speed 250
                  - Speed 450
                  - PT1000
                  - Speed 600
                  - Speed 1000

                  If the Speed sensor is chosen, it is detected as TRUE AIRSPEED SENSOR NO. F1677, otherwise the SBS-01T is detected by s.bus2 device with current version of firmware v1.12. Unfortunately, both sensors F1677 and SBS-01T are not supported by Robbe/Futaba Telemetry Box.

                  Telemetry Box v1.003 supports this sensors only:
                  - F1672 Vario- und Höhensensor (TEK)
                  - F1675 GPS-Multi-Sensor
                  - F1678 Stromsensor 150 A
                  - F1712 Vario-Sensor
                  - F1713 Temperatur Sensor 125 °C
                  - F1731 Drehzahlsensor Optisch
                  - F1732 Drehzahlsensor Magnetisch

                  Unfortunately, the Robbe does not exist anymore, so there will not be other update of this Telemetry Box. The Telemetry Box is still widely used.
                  The temperature and speed values will hardly ever exceed number 999. Could you, please, add another mode for A1 to A3 input, that will allow detecting of sensor supported by Telemetry Box? Please consider this, it will help me and so many others a lot. The sensor “F1713 Temperatur Sensor 125 °C” will be perfect fit for this purpose.
                  If it is possible for you, I am gladly willing to help you with testing of any firmware changes.

                  Thank you very much.
                  Miroslav Balik


                  • #24
                    It looks like the solution of mentioned problem will be added in the next firmware release.
                    Copy of the message:

                    Hello Mr. Balik,

                    I will check this for the next firmware release for the UniLog 2.
                    Maybe I can add your solution. But this will take some weeks.

                    Best regards,
                    Stephan Merz



                    • #25
                      Hallo und Servus,

                      hat jemand eine Idee wie ich an einen Optischen oder magnetischen Sensor rankomme, der mit der Box funktioniert.

                      Danke und Gruss



                      • #26
                        The F1731 Drehzahlsensor Optisch is Futaba SBS01RO sensor and the F1732 Drehzahlsensor Magnetisch is Futaba SBS01RM sensor. The only one thing you need is to order the desired type of RPM sensor, bind it with Telemetry Box and finaly use it in connection with R6308SBT receiver.


                        • #27
                          Hello Mirek,

                          the following products from us are compatible with the T-Box and Version 1.003 of the box too:



                          Dirk CB Elektronics


                          • #28
                            Hallo Dirk,
                            thank you for the info. I know your speed sensors. They are bind to Telemetry box as GPS Multi sensor, is it right? You are using parametr speed only , other parameters are unused. Is it possible to disable the other parameters somehow or they always take sensor slots in Telemetry Box?


                            • #29
                              Hello Mirek,

                              well actually you have two choices:

                              1. Set one slot allocation with value class/unit °C. This will consume only 1 Slot but the speed reading would be in °C. This Setup is good if you want to save slot numbers


                              2. Set 8 slot´s allocation with value class/unit km/h GPS. In this case you consume 8 slots as GPS emulation but you will get the correct unit reading in Km/h. This setup is OK if you have enought slot numbers available. The open 7 GPS fields are getting static dummy values from the FSS-xxx.



                              • #30
                                OK, nice, understood. It is nice that there is an option to save slots.

